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Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "How to Write a Novel". A lot of people want to write novels, but they don't know where to start. So, this post is for you! Here are some things that might help:-If you're new to writing, start with short stories first. This way, if it doesn't work out for you, it won't take as long (or feel as bad) as writing a full novel. -If you're not sure what the story should be about or how exactly it should go, write down all of your thoughts on index cards and look at them each day. When something stands out, write it down on a new card and continue to do so until you have your idea. -Use the "Snowflake Method" (a.k.a. "Plotting with Post-Its") to figure out how your story will go: Get 3 pieces of colored paper and 3 different colored markers. On each piece of paper, write one of the following things: Plot, Setting, Characters, Problems & Emotions Now for each category, draw an arrow from it back to itself and draw a number 1-4 next to that arrow. The number will represent how much you have been thinking about each category. Example 1: Plot – Plot – Plot Plot – Setting – Characters – Problem & Emotions Example 2: Setting – Setting – Emotions Plot – Characters – Problem & Emotions -Now, for each category draw a circle around the arrow to specify that it is a main one. When you feel that your story has reached a point where you need to decide on a main plot-line for the story, read through your index card notes and depending on which cards have arrows pointing to them, decide what category they belong to. Example 3: Plot - Characters If you know how an audience will react to each character before writing them, then follow this method. It follows these steps:Step 1: Find a list of emotions that's big enough to fulfill the needs of your characters. They can be found here . Step 2: This table will tell you the types you will use and how many. This table is for a story with 4 major characters and 3 minor characters, so adjust it depending on how many there are. Plotline Major Minor Total Comedy  3 3  6 Tragedy  4 3 7 Romantic Comedy  4 4 8 Action Adventure  4 5 9 Mystery/Suspense/Thriller - 5 5 Step 3: Create a chart to represent this information. Step 4: Draw boxes around the emotion that best describes how the characters will react to each situation. Example:  Plotline - Comedy characters will react differently to comedy situations than they will to tragic situations. Step 5:  Change the mood of any story that doesn't fit. Step 6:  Come up with a story outline and write a 25-page synopsis in a Word doc or notes app. Step 7: Use the chart above to figure out how your story should proceed from this point forward. For example, when you get past these steps, you'll have a list of your main plot points and it's time to decide what happens next. cfa1e77820

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